Thursday, October 8, 2015

Welcome/Technical Difficulties

Well my last post didn't go according to plan. There was still another 2 paragraphs to it and it cut it off so I apologize for the cliff hanger. I appreciate those who took a look at it though it gives me some encouragement to keep going and sharing all the new "choices" I am going to make in this new chapter of my family's and I life. I am going to post some exciting news here shortly that my hubby and I are super giddy and nervous about so stay tuned for our announcement.... And no it isn't a baby for all of you that are guessing hehehehe.... I feel like an evil person holding and evil secret and your all going to wait and see what it is hahahaha! (Evil laugh inserted)

But in other news today marks Jeremy's and I 7th anniversary!!!! I can't believe it's been an amazing 7 years of fun, goofy, hard, beautiful years. I am still madly in love and I still get butterflies and we still flirt. I can't wait for more years to come to still perfect our imperfect marriage. Hahahaha which makes the news I'm talking about above that much more awesome!!!!

Love, Vanee

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